Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Integrating Healthcare and Church Planting

Providing healthcare in pioneer mission settings complements and demonstrates the Gospel in action, following the footsteps of Jesus. This results in both improving the healthcare of the local community—and beyond—and the planting and growth of the church. We will describe and illustrate this from experiences in Thailand, Cambodia and the Big Country in Asia. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_ https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_narita_thompson_integratinghealthcare_handout_

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Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching Internationally

This session will help prepare participants for teaching internationally and/or cross-culturally. It will discuss differences in education methods that exist between different countries and cultural reasons for them; how these differences may impact how you teach and introduce new methods; and provide examples of ways to overcome or adapt to these differences. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_sharifalkenheimer_crossculturalissues

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Five Principles for Long-term impact on a Short-term trip

This session is for those interested in leaving a lasting impact in one's overseas involvement. Often, the impact lasts only as long as the team is on the ground. If you would like to discover one way to have a lasting impact without creating dependency, this session is for you. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_jaimesaint_fiveprinciples

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Approaches for Developing Local Nurse Leaders

How to develop nurse leaders: a literature review of approaches and a conversation about creating local, sustainable leadership development programs.

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Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Considerations for Medical Care in a Changing World

This lecture will describe complex humanitarian emergencies and the common diseases encountered and the persons affected. We will also discuss mental health issues encountered by victims and the humanitarian worker as well as describe how one can stay healthy in body, soul, and spirit dealing while dealing with the stress of living in working in such a context. https://bit.ly/gmhc2022_cathyh_complexhumanitarianemergencies

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