Some of the Best Countries to do Mission Work

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By definition, being a missionary involves going. It might be near or far, but God sends missionaries to the places that fit His plans and purposes. Of course, that raises an important question: How do we identify the best countries to do mission work? 

After all, the world is a big place, and the needs are everywhere. So, finding the best countries to do mission work can be a challenge. It’s hard to know where to start.


Starting Your Mission Work His Way

Of course, the best place to start is on your knees. Prayer is a non-negotiable part of every aspect of every mission endeavor. And that includes figuring out the best nation for your mission work. Spend time in prayer and enlist a network of trusted friends and family members to pray with you.

From there, you can consider a few other things. For example, think about what kind of missions you want to pursue. Medical Missions might be your calling, but you also might be interested in teaching, church planting, or disaster relief. They are all viable options, and they will help you determine your best country for doing mission work.

Language is another thing to keep in mind. In some nations, English is a common second language, so little or no extra training would be needed. Others will require you to learn a whole new language before you leave. Again, you need to be careful to discern God’s will and trust Him to give you His directions.

Finally, finances are an important matter. If you’re thinking about short-term missions, you need to be sure you can afford the trip. If you’re thinking about long-term or career missions, you have to be able to live on the support you raise. Different locations require different financial investments, and God will certainly provide for your needs. But He also may use finances to guide you as you seek to find your best countries to do mission work.


Choosing Your Best Country to Do Mission Work

As mentioned, the needs are great no matter where you might go. So, determining the best nations for mission work provides a ton of possibilities. To help you out, we’ve identified ten nations that could be good fits for your mission work. The list represents a mix of needs, opportunities, locations, and languages. 

While you need to follow God’s lead, these ideas might prime the pump and help you discover your best countries for mission work. To learn more about organizations that sponsor mission work in these nations, click the links provided. You can also browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right medical mission for you.



For centuries, Haiti has been one of the poorest nations on the planet. In addition to the rampant poverty, natural disasters, like hurricanes and earthquakes, have devastated communities. Yet, the people are warm and receptive, which has traditionally made it one of the best countries for doing mission work.



Kenya represents one of the more advanced nations in eastern Africa, but the people still have many needs. Like Haiti, poverty has a stranglehold on many people’s lives in Kenya, so it’s still a nation in great need of mission work. While Christianity is welcomed, churches are scattered across large areas of the country. Proper medical care and clean water are also primary needs in Kenya.



Kenya’s next-door neighbor in East Africa, Tanzania, shares some of its same problems in terms of being a country that needs mission work. While Kenya has some industrial and economic stability, many Tanzanians are dirt farmers struggling to raise enough to sustain their families. That means it doesn’t take much for something like a drought or economic instability to lead to hunger and even starvation. Such issues make Tanzania one of the best countries to do mission work.



Behind the natural beauty of this Asian gem, human trafficking has become a big business in Thailand. Again, poverty plays a role in this tragedy. While many women are lured into the sex industry with promises of wealth or security, others are sold or traded into it by families trying to survive. Along with our moral imperative as believers to protect the weak, mission work that improves farming and reduces poverty can bring light to this darkness. 


The Central African Republic

A lack of literacy and a lack of electricity has many residents in the Central African Republic living in almost primitive conditions. This also makes the CAR an underserved medical region, so medical missionaries have a lot to offer in this impoverished nation. It is a needy country physically and spiritually, making it a great option for doing mission work.



One of the most densely populated nations in the world, India is a stronghold for Hinduism, which makes it a fertile area for evangelism. But, like Thailand, it’s also a hotbed for human trafficking. Because girls are considered much less valuable than boys, even those who aren’t sold into sex slavery could be sent to orphanages by families who don’t want to spend money raising them. In addition, large economic gaps exist between the upper class and the lower classes.



Located in the middle of the Central American isthmus, Honduras has a large population of professing Christians. However, residents still have great spiritual and physical needs, and it’s considered one of the best countries for doing mission work. In addition to missional work, construction and home building are major needs in the country. Honduras’s northwestern neighbor, Guatemala, is also a popular destination for mission organizations.


The Philippines

This collection of more than 7,000 islands in the Far East has a strong Catholic heritage, but the spiritual condition of many today is nominal at best. In fact, more people in the Philippines identify as Muslim (11 percent) than identify as Protestant (8 percent). In addition, many remote regions in the nation have little or no access to quality health care, making medical missions vital.



While Australia might be a bucket list item for many tourists, it’s also a nation in great spiritual need. Only one percent of the population professes to be evangelical. Yet, the government is open to missionary efforts at almost every level of society. In addition, a large segment of Australia’s population is made up of immigrants, providing a melting pot feel to missionary work.


The United States

Missionary work is crucial to serving those with medical needs, offering hope to those without food and water, and fulfilling The Great Commission. And the USA is no different. Whether it’s offering medical care to underserved populations, serving in disaster relief, or building homes for those in poverty, the U.S. has plenty of options for mission experiences.


Why Mission Work Matters

Again, you need to prayerfully listen to God’s voice as you determine the best country for you to do missional work in. He will lead you in the right direction and help you find the place where your skills and talents best fit the needs of hurting people around the world. Remember, 



Learn More About Medical Missions

God has given you a heart for healthcare. He’s also given you a heart for missions. Those two passions don’t have to be an “either/or.” They can combine to be a beautiful “both/and” through medical mission trips.

Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.


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So, you can put your skills and passions to work without ever leaving the country. Many domestic medical missions organizations focus on helping the poor and marginalized residents of underserved areas. Some of these might live in urban areas, while others could be from rural regions. In every case, they are vulnerable and isolated from a variety of basic health care resources. So, whether you serve in a secular setting or a faith-based organization, domestic missions allow you to be Jesus’s hands and feet in a powerful way.     4. Marketplace Workers The apostle Paul was a religious scholar and a Christian missionary. But he was also a tentmaker who used this unique skill to open doors for ministry. Today, the job descriptions have changed, but the strategy of using “ordinary” careers to share the gospel has not. And, among such marketplace ministries, health care offers one of the widest avenues. That makes sense because people around the world need health care. 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Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.  
How to Become a Missionary
Right before He returned to heaven, Jesus told His disciples that they were responsible for sharing His message around the world (Matthew 28:18-20). He called them to be missionaries, messengers who would spread the gospel locally, regionally, and internationally (Acts 1:8).  If you’ve wondered about how to become a missionary, you’re considering a noble and necessary call. More than 7,000 people groups still need to hear the story of Jesus. Missionaries of all kinds (including medical missionaries) are vital to giving them a chance to respond to God’s offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.   Steps Toward Becoming a Missionary Recognizing the need only answers part of the question about how to become a missionary. Working through His plans and purposes for your life is a process that you need to take seriously.  With that in mind, here are seven steps for becoming a missionary. Some should be done in sequence, while others will happen simultaneously. But each of them can help you identify and refine your God-given direction as a missionary. 1. Consider Your Call. No one should move toward becoming a missionary without a distinct call from God, but understanding your call requires more than responding to a feeling. You need to affirm it through prayer, Bible study, and interaction with mentors and other believers who know you well. That’s the only way to move your internal desire toward a practical reality. You also should involve your local church in this step. In the Bible, Jesus’s command to spread the gospel was directed to churches. And in the book of Acts, churches sent out the first missionaries. Even today, many agencies, especially denominational agencies, require local church involvement.  Finally, working through your call means nurturing the spiritual disciplines and godly qualities that will help you connect with Jesus. Ultimately, becoming a missionary is more about God than about you. He is the One who calls and equips missionaries. So, you need to adopt spiritual practices that will shape you into His image. What’s more, you can never lead anyone where you have not gone, so getting to know Him better will make you more effective once your call is affirmed.   19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” —Matthew 28:19-20   2. Grow Where You’re Planted. As you think about how to become a missionary, don’t miss the opportunities you have now. Becoming a missionary is about obedience and service. One day that might take shape on the mission field, but you also have opportunities to love and serve God and others right where you are.  Of course, one way to serve right now is through short-term mission opportunities. These trips can give you a sense of what life on the field is like and where God might be leading your heart. Plus, they offer the experience you can’t get anywhere else. Or, even online missionary training, you can do it from anywhere.    3. Research Your Options. Another aspect of discovering how to become a missionary involves doing some research. Online tools allow you to dig into missionary needs and opportunities around the world. Likewise, missional job boards provide information on where your skills and passions can intersect with God’s open doors. But you’ll also want to research specific questions related to life on the mission field. For instance, you’ll probably be curious about what kind of salary you could expect as a missionary. You also need to find out what sending agencies require and what skills would help you be effective as a missionary. Research plays a role in both practical learning and personal discipleship.   4. Get Training. In general, training to become a missionary can take two forms: vocational and ministry. For example, the field of medical missions training ffers a wide variety of opportunities: doctors, nurses, therapists, educators, mental health, and so forth. But each of these areas requires special training. At the same time, becoming a missionary is first and foremost, a spiritual calling. That means ministry training is vital. Even as a medical professional, you will need to know how to share the gospel and have a solid background in biblical studies. It could be helpful to develop some pastoral skills and have a foundation in the basics of counseling. This training can take many forms. Most Christian colleges offer some missionary training track, even for those who want to use other skills (like medicine or business) to share the gospel. Other options include specific training programs offered by missions organizations or online training. You can even start your training now by talking to missionaries you might know and by reading books about missions and missionaries.   5. Build a Network. Knowing how to become a missionary includes knowing how to build a team. At first, that team will probably be your prayer network, especially as you seek to find God’s path and purpose for your life. Later, you will also need a financial network to provide resources for your work. Often, these two networks will overlap, so it is wise to start building support as quickly as possible.   6. Get Out of Debt. Many potential missionaries have been derailed by financial debt. The truth is, it’s hard to gain traction on the mission field if you are hounded by things like mortgages or student loans back home. Some mission agencies may even reject you as a candidate if you have outstanding debt. So, as you work toward becoming a missionary, make getting out of debt and staying out of debt part of your program.   7. Find an Agency. The final step in discovering how to become a missionary is to identify the right mission organization for you. Honestly, there are a lot of great options out there. Some represent denominations, and others work independently. But this will be the organization that basically has your back while you are on the mission field, so you have to choose wisely.    Where Will Life as a Missionary Take You? As you read through Scripture, you’ll see God hand-picking individuals for His plans and purposes. For example, Jeremiah was identified as a prophet to the nations before he was even born (Jeremiah 1:5). Likewise, God chose Saul (later known as Paul) to be a missionary before he ever became a Christ follower (Acts 9:15-16). God had a plan for these men. In fact, God had a plan for every person we read about in His Word. What you need to remember as you seek to become a missionary is that God also has a plan for you. He will lead you. He will equip you. He will provide for you as you learn how to become a missionary. If God has called you to become a missionary, He will help you make it happen.       Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.