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Mission Opportunities for Occupational Therapists
Around the world, people experience physical and emotional trauma that leaves them hurting and helpless. And while doctors and nurses can provide a measure of healing, some patients need more. That’s where occupational therapists come in. And that’s also why occupational therapy mission trips are a growing avenue for providing hope and help across the globe. People need the services and attention only occupational therapists can provide. And many medical mission organizations recognize the importance of providing these resources, especially in areas where they have been lacking in the past.   Occupational Therapy & Medical Missions While it’s easy to lump them together, it’s important to understand the difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy. One helpful way to think about it is the difference between movement and adaptation. In general, physical therapy focuses on helping people move better. Meanwhile, occupational therapy gives individuals the skills to adapt when a health crisis makes what was once normal difficult or impossible. Occupational therapy also focuses on the daily activities of life. Therapists teach patients how to relearn some of the basic skills that many take for granted, such as using a fork or spoon, buttoning a shirt, brushing their teeth, or driving a car. In addition, they can provide mental health services by sharing coping skills with individuals who may suffer from anxiety or disability. Through occupational therapy mission trips, professionals have the opportunity to use their knowledge and skill for a higher purpose. Occupational therapists can be the hands and feet of Jesus uniquely, touching the lives of people who struggle just to make it through each day.    Organizations that Sponsor Occupational Therapy Mission Trips More and more medical mission groups are creating opportunities for short-term occupational therapy mission trips. The list below identifies three agencies that sponsor mission trips for occupational therapists. This is not an exhaustive list; for more great organizations for occupational therapy, check out this organization board.   Christian Physical Rehab Professionals. Part of a larger network called Christian Medical and Dental Associates (CMDA), Christian Physical Rehab Professionals emphasizes the work of occupational and physical therapists who strive to integrate their faith and their calling. Through a short-term mission emphasis called Global Health Outreach, occupational therapists can choose from dozens of opportunities in a variety of locations.    Mission of Hope. Focusing on ministry that touches the whole person, Mission of Hope offers occupational therapy mission trips in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The agency’s mission involves meeting basic human needs, which include medical care and therapy. Occupational therapists work on projects within the organization’s network of local partner churches, so missionaries are supporting ongoing work.   Medical Ministry International. Based in Canada, Medical Ministry International encourages applicants from anywhere. The agency’s trips typically last a week or two and focus on underserved communities. These groups living on the fringe of society struggle with the availability of medical resources, including occupational therapy. What’s more, a lack of education means they may not even understand why such health care attention is important.      Your gifts and God’s glory If you’re an occupational therapist with a heart for missions, you may consider medical missions as a career. If so, a job board with medical missions opportunities would be a great place to start your search. You also may consider a short-term occupational therapy mission trip to better understand what’s available and where God might be moving you. Even if you aren’t looking for a career position, mission trips for occupational therapists can give you the chance to make a massive difference in the lives of so many people in some of the most desperate settings in the world. Even more, it can transform your life forever. Incredible things can happen when you use your gifts for God’s glory. And a short-term occupational therapy mission trip could give you a front-row seat to His work in the world.   Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.  
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Top 10 Missionary Schools to Attend
When high schoolers are sorting through their college options, they consider a lot of factors. One of the primary selling points is whether or not a school can train them for their chosen career. Without a major or an emphasis on a given vocation, a school gets scratched off the list quickly. What’s true for other careers should also be true for missionaries. Thankfully, folks called to the mission field have some great choices when it comes to missionary schools. Whether they are looking for a four-year degree or a short-term training program, students have options as they pursue God’s call on their lives.   What’s the benefit of a missionary school? Honestly, you might be tempted to wonder if you really need the education and training provided by a school of missions. You might think your passion and calling are enough. But it’s hard to deny the benefit of preparation. One value of missionary schools is the connections you make. Along with the basic theological and cultural knowledge, you can also learn what mistakes to avoid from mentors and leaders who learned the hard way.  Most missionary schools also give you the opportunity for hands-on experience, either here at home or overseas. Those experiences are priceless when it comes to defining God’s call more clearly and understanding your own strengths and weaknesses as a missionary. So, while a missions-related degree may not be required, it certainly can make a difference as you move forward in your ministry.   Interesting in Medical Missions? Use your skills where they're needed most. Learn more.   10 Potential Missionary Schools for You On one end of the missionary training spectrum, the opportunities for professionals interested in sharing their knowledge and experience continue to grow. On the other end, students examining their options for education and training also have plenty of choices. In the list below, we’ve identified 10 trusted missionary schools or organizations. Some of them are colleges that offer undergraduate and even graduate degrees in mission-related fields. Others are missions-related organizations that provide training. Whichever fits your needs best, these missionary schools can give you a great first step toward your future on the mission field.   1. Bethany Global University. The unique feature of Bethany Global is that missions and ministry are its only focus. Located in Bloomington, Minnesota, students work in ministry-related jobs rather than pay tuition (though room and board are still required). The highlight of the school’s program is a “Global Internship” for every student. This internship focuses on language studies, cultural immersion, and practical ministry experience. Students also raise support for the internship, but the school provides resources to assist in that process, including prerequisite classes on strategic planning and raising support.    2. Appalachian Bible College. Located in Hope, West Virginia, Appalachian Bible College has been training ministry leaders for more than seven decades. While the school does charge tuition fees, scholarships and financial aid make the education more reasonable. ABS is an accredited institution and provides cross-cultural experiences. Its foundational degree is in Bible and Theology, but most students actually earn double majors that integrate other ministry areas. The missions major comes with a variety of emphases, including aviation, international studies, and healthcare fields.    3. Grand Canyon University. Located in Phoenix, Arizona, Grand Canyon is one of the larger schools with a missions-related program in the nation. The school has about 70,000 students, including many who study online. GCU offers a bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies with an emphasis on Global Ministry, and this degree is available both on campus or online. The school also has a College of Nursing and Health Care for students looking to integrate missions into a medical career.    4. Liberty University. Founded in 1971 in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University is considered the largest Christian university in the world. And, like Grand Canyon University, LU has significant online opportunities. Liberty currently offers undergraduate and master’s degrees in Global Studies. This degree is available online and on campus and includes a semester-long Global Studies internship, an emphasis on language studies, and missions-based research projects. For those interested in medical missions, Liberty also has an undergraduate pre-med degree and nursing degrees at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.   5. Moody Bible Institute. For more than a century, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago has emphasized training believers to be on mission for God. Similar to Appalachian Bible College, this missionary school does not charge tuition, leaving students to pay for only room and board. Among Moody’s primary missions-related programs is an Intercultural Studies degree, which includes a semester-long immersive experience through a partner school in another nation. In addition, Moody offers a pair of Missional Leadership degrees that emphasize leadership in diverse cultural settings at home and abroad. The school also has a unique missionary aviation program with two concentrations.   6. Columbia International University. This multidenominational and accredited missionary school in Columbia, South Carolina, is regularly listed as one of the most-respected regional universities in the South. While CIU emphasizes the integration of the gospel in every vocation, it offers an Intercultural Studies degree at the bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. levels. Students can also earn an undergraduate degree in International Community Development. In this program, students “live” in a simulated Third World setting and learn to solve problems through doing. Other missions at the master’s level include Disaster Relief Management, Global Migration Studies, Muslim-Christian Relations, and Missiological Studies.   7. Global Frontier Missions. While not one of the traditional missionary schools, Global Frontier Missions does offer a Missionary Training School twice a year. During this five-month program, students gain practical knowledge about missions while also focusing on character development. Perhaps the strength of this training program is the hands-on experience students get by working in the community around the organization’s headquarters in Clarkston, Georgia. The state of Georgia has officially designated Clarkston as a refugee resettlement city. This fits with Global Frontier’s emphasis on ministering to refugees in America while also providing opportunities for Mission Training School participants to interact with dozens of language groups and ethnicities. A limited amount of scholarship money is available, and the organization works to accommodate students with families.   8. University of the Nations. This global missionary training school is affiliated with Youth with a Mission (also known as YWAM). While it’s not accredited like some other missionary schools, University of the Nations still offers undergraduate degrees in a range of vocations. Within the Biblical Studies degree, students can pursue an emphasis in missions or missions/intercultural studies. Nursing and health care degrees are also a possibility. University of the Nations emphasizes hands-on ministry experience, and its relationship with YWAM provide a deep supply of resources and cultural opportunities. Students also get the experience of raising their own support for international trips.   9. Institute for Cross Cultural Training. The Institute for Cross Cultural Training is an academic center affiliated with Wheaton College. Located in Chicago, the center primarily focuses on equipping believers to communicate with other cultures. This includes language learning, as well as training to teach English as a Second Language (ESL). ICCT also provides a fully online course to help individuals planning to live overseas learn how to adapt and thrive in their new settings. While based on Christian principles and dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission, it lacks biblical and theological training. So, that aspect of missionary education will need to be supplemented elsewhere.   10. Reach. Basically, Reach provides on-the-job training for missionaries. This is a 5 to 6-month program, which is part of Operation Mobilization’s ongoing mission efforts that immerses students in an international culture. Like some other training programs, this missionary education program emphasizes practical experience rather than classroom learning. As a result, the biblical and theological training should be gained in another setting. But Reach could be a good starting point for someone interested in missions, or it could be integrated into a larger education strategy that includes another missionary school.     A few steps that will move you forward As you think about the variety of missionary schools, it’s good to answer some basic questions. For example, what is your budget? You don’t want to go so deep into debt with training that you can’t afford to go where God has called you. Answering that question could help you choose between a college degree or a shorter training program. You also should think about things like a school or organization’s doctrinal stance and philosophy of missions. If an institution’s beliefs don’t align with your convictions, you need to steer clear of that missionary school or program and consider another possibility. As with every mission endeavor, you can never overstate the importance of spiritual disciplines. Through Bible study and prayer, you can hear from God and talk with Him about your thoughts or concerns. Through interaction with wise mentors, you can learn more about yourself and what might be a good fit for you. What’s more, all these help you focus on who you can become as much as who you currently are.  Missionary schools may have their place in God’s plan for you. But don’t ignore the basics as you move toward making your decision.   Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.
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6 Types of Christian Medical Missions - Serve Your Call
The old cliché reminds us that every journey begins with a single step. If you’re considering the role God has for you in Christian medical missions, that first step could be understanding what’s available. As you consider your calling to medical missions, along with your skills and passions, knowing your options can help you define God’s plans more clearly so you can move in the right direction.   Finding Your Place in Medical Missions The field of Christian medical missions continues to grow. As a result, the opportunities for those interested in pursuing Christian medical missions are expanding as well. Below are six great ways that you can help fulfill the Great Commission by plugging into Christian healthcare ministries.   16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” —Matthew 28:16-20   1. Short-Term Missions The simplest way to become involved in Christian medical missions is through a short-term trip. But don’t let the term “short-term” fool you. Whether you’re on the field for a week or a month, you can still make a long-term impact through the work you do.  To make that happen, keep two important things in mind. First, prepare well for your trip. While a prepared missionary can make a huge difference in people’s lives, an unprepared missionary can do a lot of damage to the ongoing work on the field. So, spiritually and professionally, prepare yourself to be as effective as possible. Second, go with an organization that emphasizes sustainability. In other words, pick a sending agency that has feet on the ground all the time, not just for a week or two every so often. There are mission organizations that serve many purposes, so finding the one that's right for you is important. That allows you to be a part of something bigger and ensures that others will be able to follow up on your efforts after you leave.     2. Long-Term Missions Some refer to this as “all-in” missions because it requires a calling and a commitment that goes beyond short-term experiences. Whether you’re thinking about Christian medical missions as a career or as an extended season of your life, long-term opportunities mean your world is going to change in major ways. As you think about the potential of long-term medical missions, focus on three phrases tied to the Great Commission. The first is God’s call. Make sure He is calling you to share the gospel and make disciples as a medical missionary. Next, lean into God’s power. On your own, you are not enough. But as Christ equips you, His power provides all you need to fulfill His plan for your life. Finally, recognize God’s presence. The truth is, He is always with you—even when you may not feel it. Take comfort in the reality that He will not leave you or forsake you.     3. Domestic Missions Not all the lost and hurting people are overseas. Millions right here at home need the hope and ministry provided by Christian medical missionaries. So, you can put your skills and passions to work without ever leaving the country. Many domestic medical missions organizations focus on helping the poor and marginalized residents of underserved areas. Some of these might live in urban areas, while others could be from rural regions. In every case, they are vulnerable and isolated from a variety of basic health care resources. So, whether you serve in a secular setting or a faith-based organization, domestic missions allow you to be Jesus’s hands and feet in a powerful way.     4. Marketplace Workers The apostle Paul was a religious scholar and a Christian missionary. But he was also a tentmaker who used this unique skill to open doors for ministry. Today, the job descriptions have changed, but the strategy of using “ordinary” careers to share the gospel has not. And, among such marketplace ministries, health care offers one of the widest avenues. That makes sense because people around the world need health care. And, in many nations, the need outpaces the availability of medical professionals. So, health care missionaries can step in the fill some of those gaps. What’s more, because of this great need, Christian medical missionaries can gain access to places traditional missionaries could never reach. So, you don’t necessarily have to choose between work and missions. As a marketplace missionary, you can use your God-given skills and your unique wiring to make a difference in the world.     5. Disaster Relief From the comfort of our homes, natural disasters can produce a mixture of pity and isolation. We feel bad for those who are affected, but the devastation can seem a million miles away. But, in reality, such disasters can provide incredible ministry opportunities for Christian medical missionaries. By their very nature, disasters create medical emergencies. As a result, those in Christian medical missions can be among the first responders on the scene. In addition, people tend to be more open to the gospel in times of crisis. At the very least, you can be the hands and feet of Jesus is an incredibly practical way by ministering to people at the darkest times of their lives.     6. Medical Education The apostle Paul once encouraged his friend Timothy to pass along all the things that he had shared with Timothy to others (2 Timothy 2:2). That way, the gospel would continue to move from generation to generation. While Paul was primarily talking about doctrine and faith issues, the principle of passing knowledge and experience also applies to other areas—including medical missions. Medical missionaries in other nations benefit from the education and experience that Christian medical missionaries can provide. It might be information that sharpens their minds, or it could be a procedure that enhances their skills. Ultimately, medical educators have the chance to connect students to great physicians.  Historically, mission endeavors grow as missionaries train indigenous people how to do the work on their own. Medical educators provide that through their teaching and ministry. It’s an important step toward passing the gospel on to future generations.   The time is now As you can see, you’ve got plenty of options when it comes to finding your fit in Christian medical missions. You have a world of awesome medical mission opportunities at your fingertips. Through spiritual disciplines like Bible study, prayer, and meeting with mentors, you can get a better handle on what God wants you to do and where He wants you to do it. Your journey awaits. It’s time to take the first step.   Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.  
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How to Become a Missionary
Right before He returned to heaven, Jesus told His disciples that they were responsible for sharing His message around the world (Matthew 28:18-20). He called them to be missionaries, messengers who would spread the gospel locally, regionally, and internationally (Acts 1:8).  If you’ve wondered about how to become a missionary, you’re considering a noble and necessary call. More than 7,000 people groups still need to hear the story of Jesus. Missionaries of all kinds (including medical missionaries) are vital to giving them a chance to respond to God’s offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.   Steps Toward Becoming a Missionary Recognizing the need only answers part of the question about how to become a missionary. Working through His plans and purposes for your life is a process that you need to take seriously.  With that in mind, here are seven steps for becoming a missionary. Some should be done in sequence, while others will happen simultaneously. But each of them can help you identify and refine your God-given direction as a missionary. 1. Consider Your Call. No one should move toward becoming a missionary without a distinct call from God, but understanding your call requires more than responding to a feeling. You need to affirm it through prayer, Bible study, and interaction with mentors and other believers who know you well. That’s the only way to move your internal desire toward a practical reality. You also should involve your local church in this step. In the Bible, Jesus’s command to spread the gospel was directed to churches. And in the book of Acts, churches sent out the first missionaries. Even today, many agencies, especially denominational agencies, require local church involvement.  Finally, working through your call means nurturing the spiritual disciplines and godly qualities that will help you connect with Jesus. Ultimately, becoming a missionary is more about God than about you. He is the One who calls and equips missionaries. So, you need to adopt spiritual practices that will shape you into His image. What’s more, you can never lead anyone where you have not gone, so getting to know Him better will make you more effective once your call is affirmed.   19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” —Matthew 28:19-20   2. Grow Where You’re Planted. As you think about how to become a missionary, don’t miss the opportunities you have now. Becoming a missionary is about obedience and service. One day that might take shape on the mission field, but you also have opportunities to love and serve God and others right where you are.  Of course, one way to serve right now is through short-term mission opportunities. These trips can give you a sense of what life on the field is like and where God might be leading your heart. Plus, they offer the experience you can’t get anywhere else. Or, even online missionary training, you can do it from anywhere.    3. Research Your Options. Another aspect of discovering how to become a missionary involves doing some research. Online tools allow you to dig into missionary needs and opportunities around the world. Likewise, missional job boards provide information on where your skills and passions can intersect with God’s open doors. But you’ll also want to research specific questions related to life on the mission field. For instance, you’ll probably be curious about what kind of salary you could expect as a missionary. You also need to find out what sending agencies require and what skills would help you be effective as a missionary. Research plays a role in both practical learning and personal discipleship.   4. Get Training. In general, training to become a missionary can take two forms: vocational and ministry. For example, the field of medical missions training ffers a wide variety of opportunities: doctors, nurses, therapists, educators, mental health, and so forth. But each of these areas requires special training. At the same time, becoming a missionary is first and foremost, a spiritual calling. That means ministry training is vital. Even as a medical professional, you will need to know how to share the gospel and have a solid background in biblical studies. It could be helpful to develop some pastoral skills and have a foundation in the basics of counseling. This training can take many forms. Most Christian colleges offer some missionary training track, even for those who want to use other skills (like medicine or business) to share the gospel. Other options include specific training programs offered by missions organizations or online training. You can even start your training now by talking to missionaries you might know and by reading books about missions and missionaries.   5. Build a Network. Knowing how to become a missionary includes knowing how to build a team. At first, that team will probably be your prayer network, especially as you seek to find God’s path and purpose for your life. Later, you will also need a financial network to provide resources for your work. Often, these two networks will overlap, so it is wise to start building support as quickly as possible.   6. Get Out of Debt. Many potential missionaries have been derailed by financial debt. The truth is, it’s hard to gain traction on the mission field if you are hounded by things like mortgages or student loans back home. Some mission agencies may even reject you as a candidate if you have outstanding debt. So, as you work toward becoming a missionary, make getting out of debt and staying out of debt part of your program.   7. Find an Agency. The final step in discovering how to become a missionary is to identify the right mission organization for you. Honestly, there are a lot of great options out there. Some represent denominations, and others work independently. But this will be the organization that basically has your back while you are on the mission field, so you have to choose wisely.    Where Will Life as a Missionary Take You? As you read through Scripture, you’ll see God hand-picking individuals for His plans and purposes. For example, Jeremiah was identified as a prophet to the nations before he was even born (Jeremiah 1:5). Likewise, God chose Saul (later known as Paul) to be a missionary before he ever became a Christ follower (Acts 9:15-16). God had a plan for these men. In fact, God had a plan for every person we read about in His Word. What you need to remember as you seek to become a missionary is that God also has a plan for you. He will lead you. He will equip you. He will provide for you as you learn how to become a missionary. If God has called you to become a missionary, He will help you make it happen.       Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.  
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Physical Therapy in Medical Missions
If you’re like many people, your first thoughts of “medical missions” probably revolve around doctors and nurses reaching folks who have limited access to medical care in their part of the world. And that’s certainly a part of it. But in recent years, the definition of “medical missions” has expanded. In fact, one of the fastest growing areas of need around the globe is physical therapy medical missions.  While physical therapy is common in the United States and other developed nations, it remains out of reach in many underserved nations. There are real physical therapy needs on the mission field. It is vital for healing and recovery from things like physical problems caused by malnutrition and disabilities caused by natural disasters.   What are Physical Therapy Medical Missions To understand the potential of physical therapy medical missions, it’s helpful to define what the term actually means. In general, physical therapy teaches people how to relieve and avoid pain through movement. This could include stretching, exercise, and other activities that promote mobility and the basic functions of life. Physical therapists can help athletes with injuries, stroke victims who have lost function, and injury victims who have suffered a disability. On the mission field, physical therapists can provide a service and ministry that no other medical professional is qualified to offer. Medical doctors and nurses have important roles to play, but most do not have the experience or training to provide specialized physical therapy. That makes physical therapy medical missions an exciting option for those who have the skills for the task and the heart to reach people.   A Couple of Things to Consider While physical therapy medical missions are growing in many respects, it still has some challenges that potential missionaries need to consider. The first is finding a medical missions organization that actually promotes physical therapy as a pathway in medical missions. Because the idea is relatively new, not every mission organization is prepared to provide opportunities for therapists. So, you will need to do some research to find the right fit. Another challenge is the issue of sustainability. In other words, if you go on a 6-month or 12-month mission trip, what happens after you leave? While some medical professionals can accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time, sustainability is vital to the work of physical therapy. You will need to find an organization that can extend the treatments and provides the care after you leave. Fortunately, physical therapists can nurture sustainability in many ways. Because so much of physical therapy medical missions involves proper education and practice, a qualified therapist can teach local patients what to do, empowering them to carry on after they leave. In that sense, physical therapy represents one of the most sustainable forms of medical ministry. But it is still important to talk with sending organizations about their philosophy related to sustainability.   “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” —1 Peter 4:10     What’s Required for Physical Therapy Medical Missions? The first thing a sending agency will need is confirmation of your qualifications and licensure. Just as a medical doctor has to have the necessary degrees and experience to practice, physical therapists must be qualified to do their work. In most cases, an active license from your home country will be sufficient to practice in other nations. But, as always, do your research to make sure. Beyond proper licensure, physical therapists in the mission field need to demonstrate some key skills to serve effectively. For example, leadership in the missions field and the ability to teach others are vital in providing care.  It also helps if a therapist has a broad range of experience. For example, physical therapy medical missions can involve both pediatric and geriatric patients. Therapists will also face various issues, such as helping amputees, caring for stroke patients, and ministering to individuals injured in the workplace. As with all missions endeavors, a wide knowledge base and flexibility can make a huge difference.     Finding your spot of service As you consider the role you might play in physical therapy medical missions, you can also find resources to help you find the right fit for you and your skill set. For example, events such as the Global Missions Health Conference can provide information and offers training for physical therapy missions. The conference, held every year in Louisville, Kentucky, also has breakout sessions related to physical therapy. Also, job boards and websites, such as the one offered by Medical Missions, can point you in the right direction and help you identify possible opportunities in physical therapy. You can use these tools—along with prayer, Bible study, and the guidance of mentors—to find God’s plan for your life. You can determine if physical therapy medical missions is the right direction for you—and, if it is, how you can get started.   Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.
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11 Powerful Missionary Care Packages - Medical Missions
Remember the feeling of getting a care package at college? Long before anyone made a big deal about “unboxing” on social media, it was exciting to get a taste of home at just the right time. Now, imagine living thousands of miles from home. The work is hard, and the challenges are many. Sometimes, cultural isolation is intense. If you can picture that, you can understand the importance of missionary care packages.    Settling First Things First When you think about it, missionary care packages make a ton of sense. After all, most believers have a heart for missions and missionaries. Even those who can’t become vocational missionaries or get a full-time missionary position appreciate the ministry and sacrifice of those who do. We want them to know that we love them and are praying for them. We want them to be encouraged. Plus, sending a missionary care package allows us to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It gives Christ followers back home a chance to invest in work happening in another nation. By encouraging the missionary with a care package, we’re encouraging the work of the kingdom. But before you act on your good intentions and start buying a bunch of stuff, you do need to think through a few basic guidelines. For example, how much will it cost to ship a box to a long-ter another country? Do a little research to make sure you don’t blow your monthly budget with one missionary care package. While you’re at it, find out how much it might cost the missionary to receive your care package. The duties in many countries require recipients to pay for packages depending on size or value. You wouldn’t be the first person to have a care package politely declined and returned because it simply cost too much to receive.   What to Consider for Missionary Care Packages • Make sure you have the correct address for your missionary care package. Some missionaries have a P.O. box, while others have a home address. Check with the missionaries or their sending organization to make sure you have an address that works for what you’re trying to do. • Consider how long it will take the package to arrive. That could influence what your missionary care packages should include. • Know what you can and cannot send. Just like our nation is careful about what enters its borders, other countries have rules about what you can send. If you send something that off limits, it will get confiscated. In some cases, it could also get the missionary in trouble with local authorities. • Don’t send money (or anything expensive, like electronics) in a care package. This might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. Most missionaries would prefer getting money electronically or through their sending organization. In general, the missionaries or their sending agency can give you the best information on how to get started on a missionary care package. Then, once you get the basics covered, you can start thinking about the fun part: What to put inside!   Making Your Missionary Care Package The possibilities for stocking missionary care packages are as wide and varied as the missionaries who could receive them. But there are several items that are usually safe to send and a joy to receive. We’ve broken some options down into two categories: general ideas for all missionaries and some specific ideas for medical missionaries. Taken together, you’ll have 11 great ideas for your missionary care packages.   General care package ideas for any missionary: Food, especially stuff they can’t get locally. Nothing says love like a taste of home, and edibles are a great way to demonstrate how much you care. It can be as simple as your missionary’s favorite candy or something as unique as a special spice or seasoning they can’t find in the field. Baking supplies also tend to be a hit.   Candles and other décor. If food excites the taste buds, scented candles can bring the smells of home closer to the mission field. Also, items from home that missionaries can use to decorate their little corner of the world can be an incredible encouragement for those long days or when homesickness sets in.   Seasonal and holiday stuff. Since they are living in a different culture, missionaries don’t always get to observe holidays like they did back home. They might get to experience new holidays in their adopted homeland, but many of the traditional holidays they know and love are just another day on the calendar where they serve. Having a some red, white, and blue for Independence Day or a few turkey-themed plates and napkins for Thanksgiving can keep the festive spirit alive far from home.   Toiletries and beauty/health products. This is where you might need to do some research about what’s allowed and what’s not. But providing some basic hygiene and cosmetic supplies could be an answer to prayer for some missionaries and their families. What we might shrug off as a normal part of our day, they would see as a treasure—and a blessing.   Hand-written notes. In this case, the answer is inexpensive and cannot be overdone. Of course, you and your family can write your own notes, and that’s great. But why keep it to yourself? Enlist a small army to write a card or note and include all of them in the missionary care package. Another idea would be sending colorful postcards from different parts of the country. It’s just another way to provide a taste of home.   Board games and books. For many missionaries, access to English language games and books can be rare. So, a care package with some fresh reading material or a fun game can be great. In addition to reconnecting with life back home, board games and books provide a way to unplug with family. They also might be useful in starting a conversation with local friends that can lead to a kingdom opportunity.   Stuff for the kids. One great way to show love for missionaries is to show love to their kids. If your missionary has children, be sure to pick out some care package items that appeal specifically to them. For example, among the books and games and snacks, include some age-appropriate offerings. You also might consider things like sidewalk chalk or small toys. As always, check with the parents for an appropriate option. Specific care package ideas for a medical missionary:   Something practical. Doctors and nurses go through supplies on a regular basis. So, while a gift like gloves or masks might seem boring to us, it could mean a lot to them. If you want to get a little more personal, consider a set of scrubs or some thick, comfortable socks for medical missionaries who spend a lot of time on their feet.    Items they can share. Among the challenges of medical missions is building relationships and winning the trust of local patients. So, consider including some items your medical missionary can share in your care package. This could be something like small toys for kids or hard candy for adults. Even the smallest token can break down a wall and jumpstart a ministry opportunity.   Photographs of people from back home. Just like we’re fascinated with the residents and cultures of other countries, the people on a medical missionary’s field are probably interested in life back home. For decades, missionaries (including medical missionaries) have used photos of families and friends to start conversations and build connections. People love stories, and photographs open the door wide to all kinds of encounters.   Pens. This gift seems so simple, but it makes so much sense. Medical professionals always use pens, so you’re providing a basic need. Again, they don’t have to be fancy. Even the cheap kind will do. But it could be a meaningful addition to your care package for medical missionaries.   Don't Worry About the Surprise  As noted earlier, this list is just scratching the surface. The options are virtually endless, but the impact could be transformational. Again, if you want your care package to be a success, start with the missionaries. Let them tell you what would work best in a package for them. Sure, trying to surprise might be nice, but making sure your missionary care packages get through and meet a need is even better.       Discover Medical Missions. Medical Missions serves to connect your professional skills and biblical calling to the largest database of healthcare mission organizations, professionals, and thought leadership. Join us at the Global Missions Health Conference to find your Medical Missions calling. Or, browse our full list of partner organizations to find the right mission for you.